Manchester United and you want to loan out you're players they are usually very reluctant to leave.
When you are the manager of a top club i.e. To win every match you must first download a save game editor from a champ site like or and make up your own team (note: you must first take a team out of the division you want to be in) and play the formation 4 2 1 3 and now you have the perfect team. | Submitted by PhilipBenningwood To get free players you must give an offers to as much as you want (even if it goes red) then when you are offering him a contract at the bit where you a choosing if he is indispenseable or not click his name a withdrwn the offer and the offer him nothing, you will still have the contract window open so you can offer him a contract and get him for free. Johnstone (Scotland) Gerry McMahon for 7.5m, Nathan Lowndes 6m etc. | Submitted by Virus2000 Buy players from the club you want to make richer. Go a rich club such as Manchester United or Barcelona. Accept and Pires will go to Man Utd, but leave you with a profit and the other Pires. Buy him and Man Utd will place a bid for the more expensive Robert Pires at a price of £23M. After getting him, go to find player, type 'Pires', and Robert Pires with a different club and only worth £75,000 will appear.